Thursday, September 6, 2007

Feed the children

This picture of Von reminds me of one of those feed the children pictures. I made this one black and white for my friend George who simply loves black and white photos. And yes .. that's a black eye, sort of. Von snatched the bag of popsickles out of the freezer last week and took off running and hit something, I think it was the railing. We rushed downstairs to find out why he was crying and he had a black eye and big knot on the side of his head. I don't think he's snatched popsickles since that day.

Brayden reading ... he's a pretty good reader and just about every night we get to hear a new story.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Poor Von!! WTG Nela on sitting up--she is growing so much! I am dreading Hannah's first shots, we go on Sept. 17. I will probably cry more than her.