Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fair fun, other stuff

The kids played the fish game. They won three and the game guy is still babysitting the fish at the fairgrounds.

Here's our expensive cheap lunch. We all wanted corn dogs at the best little corn dog place in the fairgrounds, you know the one I'm talking about on the second midway near the mini golf course. The dogs were $3 as was the pop ... I was a little sickened when Von didn't finish his.

Here's Kujo and Nela at their first fair, waiting for Javanna and Brayden to get off a ride.

Here's the Hasseman's playing a game. I don't know if they even noticed I was taking pictures of them. I thought it would be nice to capture a family moment, but when I was downloading I realized I don't think the little girl is theirs.

Von loved the roller coaster. He was so happy but my pictures were not that great because of the other parents getting the good photo locations.

Fair fun, rides

Javanna joined our family outing to the Coshocton County Fair. Brayden's first ride request was the fun house which was an out of pocket expense right off the bat.

They they rode the Cyclone. Here they are in line.

It went fast...

Then Kujo waited in line with the kids for about 20 minutes while I took Von on the jumping thing, when we got done Brayden was getting ready to get on so Von jumped in line for the ride.

Von had a lot of fun and Brayden did too.

Fair fun, Von jumping

It's Coshocton County Fair time and Von wanted to do the jumping ride. Here he is getting strapped up.

He always looks so sad.

He was a pretty good listener and did what they said.

Here he is getting lifted before the jumping begins.

And whippee, whoo hoo, he loved it and had a great time.

They've made the blog

Here's Kristi girl, a former Tribune chick. She stopped by to visit us Friday and I wanted to put her on the blog so everyone could see her.

Here's Kujo and Hanna, he loved her Ohio State jersey.

And here's mom and Kujo, one happy bunch.

Wendy's 33rd Birthday

Cousin Wendy turned 33 years old this month. Here she is with her cake. For some reason her husband Dan was holding her arms???

I missed here blowing out the candles and asked for another re-enactment. She did a couple for me but they turned out blurry. This is a shot of the laughter shared of fake blowing out the candles. I think the cake was being cut at this time. (There's Dan peeping around the side)

Here's the birthday girl again with Nela.

Here's Hanna, Wendy, Von, Tammy, Nela and Me. Aren't we a happy bunch (except for Hanna in this shot)

Nela and Uncle Larry bonded. We were all surprised at how long they spent together considering she wasn't to thrilled with Uncle Paul lately.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Portrait Pain

Each year I like to get a picture of the kids at the pumpkin patch. This particular day, Hanna and Von were not into picture taking. This was one of the best ones I got. We'll be going back Sunday so hopefully we have better luck at a nice portrait.

Hanna and Von were distracted by all the cars, planes, birds, etc. that they just didn't want to look at the camera. Brayden got so fed up at Von you could hear him screaming "Von, just look at the stinking camera will ya" ... I did have to laugh. Poor Brayden.

I resorted to other kinds of pics. Here's Hanna, Von and Tammy picking out Mums.

Here's Von and Hanna picking out pumpkins

And once again, working as a team, Hanna and Von pulling and pushing the cart o pumpkins.

A fun time really was had by all.

Brayden's Pumpkin Hunt

Brayden loves picking out pumpkins every year. This year he got to pick for himself, Kujo, me and Nela (Von picked his own).

He got all sizes...
And all prices ...
And even one for Nela...
I think we ended up with three large pumpkins, four medium and eight tiny ones. And yes, the Mums are still alive and look good. Come check out my front porch, I'm so proud of myself (for those of you who don't know I do not have a green thumb. I kill flowers rather quickly.)

The Pumpkin Drop

Darr Farms has some pretty durable pumpkins.

Von tested them out ...
No splat. It was a keeper.

Skins victory equals sore throat

Brayden made his debut Wednesday as a waterboy at the Coshocton's seventh-grade football game against Cambridge. He has such a fun time. Javanna was the ball girl and water helper:)

The team had another awesome game. They won 36 to 8 (I think) and I believe Saqure had three touchdowns and a 2 point thingy. This is him going to make his first touchdown. It was sooo exciting watching him play. I turn into one of those moms (well, he is like my first born son) and yell his name so he'll get the tackle if no one else can. My throat is still a little soar a day later.

Nela cuddles up with Brittany most of the game. Sorry Brittany, I cut your head off or Nela's in just about all of the pics I took. I'll get you next time.

Von did pretty good at the game. He sat and ate pizza, spilled some water on the guy sitting next to him and played.

Next Wednesday will be the last home game for Saquore for the season. It's 5 p.m. at Stewart Field. Come out and cheer him and the rest of the team on ... or watch me look like an idiot :.)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Move over Welches

I'm not sure how it tastes just yet, but with the grapes from Shawnee Springs Winery I made 24 quarts of grape juice. It was so easy. I used Kathie's recipe (she's my co-worker) and took one cup grapes, one cup sugar and filled the rest of the quart jar with boiling water. Kathie said they only wait a couple days before they drink it, others say the longer it sets the better. I think I'm going to have to test both theories and have a glass tonight.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Stupid software, distracted kids

Just let me vent for a minute and then I'll tell you about this photo and outing to Darr's Pumpkin Patch.

Stupid software to my camera, I don't want to bash any names but the software is supposed to be easy. It's been nothing but a pain in the you know where since I've installed it. If there's one bad photo on the card, the software won't download all the photos blocked by it and I have to go to someplace with a card reader and burn it to a CD. This irks me because I can burn my own at no cost. In the five or more years I had my Nikon (yeah Nikon) camera, I didn't have any problems whatsoever .. well, until I dropped it one too many times.

OK, now on to the picture.

Tammy (my sister) and I took Hanna, Brayden, Von and Nela to Darr's Pumpkin Patch in Newcomerstown. I had a lot of fun, as I do every year, watching the kids grab, and drop, pumpkins. I can't show you the cart we brought home until I go to download my camera (grumble, grumble).

Anyway, when we got there we took our annual pictures at the patch. Von was not cooperating and Von and Hanna were distracted by every truck that passed by. This is the best one I got .. well until I can see the other pictures when I go to get them burned to a CD.

(Brayden knows how to read now and he's standing here over my shoulder reading every word ... it's time for bed Brayden.)


This is Ann and me.
and there's Josie
We all had a great time at Shawnee Springs Winery over the weekend picking grapes
I was the fastest picker. We each plucked a half a bushel.

This is Cindy. She poured us plenty of drinks following our afternoon of hard work. Later that night I started making homemade grape juice. Now I have a crap load of grapes left ... anyone need some for making Jelly?

Brittany and Tanishe Homecoming

What's wrong with the boys at CHS? How come these two beauties had to go staggette to the homecoming dance on Saturday?
Brittany and Tanishe are Ann's girls (and I can't believe they're 17 and 16 years old now)

You might see Brittany at one of our local grocery stores.

But you won't see Tanishe working there :.)

Look how artsy I can get. You may see this one on a Tribune readers gallery soon.