Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Just a little behind, that's all

I know some of you were probably thinking nothing has been happening with Val since she's hasn't updated her blog, well that's not true. It's just been really busy. Here's a recap of what's been going on. Kujo is teaching Nela to be just like him. He gave her a chicken wing (Kujo's favorite food, he's the Wing King - self proclaimed).

She's definitely not my daughter on this because like her dad, she cleans the bone.

And loves it.
Kisses from Daddy.

Von had a dandy good time.
After baseball practice one night we all went for ice cream at Earls.
Everyone loves Earls ice cream in this house.

One evening we went to watch Tanishe play softball ... in the rain. Here she is giving her cheering section a thumbs up for her TRIPLE!!!!

Yeah, she just got that runner out.

Ann's dad "found" this monster of an umbrella on the side of the road one day when he was taking a walk. It just so happened to start raining when he said to himself I should have brought and umbrella, and then there it was. He always finds good stuff. It was kind of funny because a man at the game had a matching umbrella. We all wondered if it was his.

Here's Rolland keeping dry
Brittany made her T-shirt
Here's Caleb
Here's Von sitting next to me at one of Brayden's practices.

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