Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bible school fun

On our way home last night we noticed a sign and people at Bancroft Park. I pulled over to find out what was going on and they were holding a Vacation Bible School that evening and invited us back. So we came home, ate supper quickly and walked down to the program.

This is Brayden and Von singing a song with hand motions. I was so surprised that Von picked up on things so quickly.

Von wanted to be with Brayden most of the time. Here they are doing crafts.

I feel so lucky because most parents don't get the opportunity to take pictures of their kids at events like this. I decided to stick around and take pictures for the paper. You can see more on the Web site, www.coshoctontribune.com.

Here they are again making a craft together.

Praying at closing.
Doing an activity.

And Brayden sliding down the pole.

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