Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday fun with my crew

After work today I hurried home to grab the kids so we could watch the parade down Main Street. It was the Coshocton County Antique Power Association's parade of about 35 tractors. Sadly, there weren't many people, I counted about a dozen (and we were four of them) on Main Street. There may have been some on Seventh Street or further down Main Street, but I don't think it was a great number.

Here's Brayden showing off his new hair cut. He's been begging for a mohawk forever. We compromised on this temporary do. It's more of a military cut since the hawk part doesn't go on the back of his head. He actually looks kind of cute.

Yes, Von wore his PJ's to the parade. It was his outfit of choice.

I just thought this was pretty.

After the parade we came home and had another cookout in the back yard with pool time.

They didn't mind running and jumping in the pool 0ver and over again for photos. Brayden wanted to know if I was going to put it on the Internet.

I thought the water was cool in this shot.
Nela opted to play in the puddle ... again, I thought the water was cool.

Here he is (in the pool this time) tasting the water after spashing in it.

We had a good time. Now I need to get Von out of my bed and into his. Night!

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