Part of my vacation was spent with family in Cincinnati this weekend. Geralyn's son, Hunter, was celebrating his first birthday. It was a big bash and Tammy and I were recruited to help out.
The pictures are in no order. Here's Nela.
Nela and Hunter on our trip to the mall.
Tammy and Nela
Me and Hunter
Grandpa John and Hunter
Grandma Marianne and Hunter
Great-Aunt Mary and Hanna
Mary, Janie and Marie
Here's the other trio, mom, Marianne and Mary
Hanna and a little girl from the party show off their treat bags.
Hunter and the hat he wouldn't wear
Hunter and Geralyn with the cake
Hunter and Hanna
Hunter and daddy Jamie
Brad and John on cornhole
Twins Caroline and Emily
Hula Hoop King Conner
Hanna hitting the pinata
Hanna and Brad