Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Catch up shots

These are some shots from last week and tonight. Most of you know I have been somewhat ill this past weekend. In short, Friday my fingers on both hands felt like they were asleep all day. I also had a pain in my neck so I figured I pinched a nerve or something. That night I decided if it wasn't better over the weekend I'd call my doctor. Throughout the night, I'm swelling all over, all my joints ache like crazy and it feels like my hands are going to pop off because of the pressure ... so I go to the ER.

I get a strep test, EKG and about 5 tubes of blood taken. No strep, heart is fine and only thing wrong in blood work was elevated levels for inflamation. I'm told to take motrin. After two days of motrin popping every four hours, lots of pain and sleep deprivation later I get into my doctor. This is what I think he told me, I could be way off, but it's what I'm telling everyone. He looks over my tests from the hospital and notices while I tested negative for strep, my cultures showed I have some other thing going on that's rare. The doctor said he read about it but never seen it. Whatever it is it causes my symptoms.

A few doses after penicillin and steriods I'm feeling much better and I'm down to three fingers of sleepy feeling. I'm not going to complain too much because it's better than feeling like you're hands are going to pop off. OUCH.

Now I just have to go back to the doctor for a two week check up and get blood work done again.

So, because I was down a couple days, I needed to catch up on pre-injury and tonights photos.


Tammy looking good three weeks after delivering Jacey Kay.

Ann and Nela
Brittany and Nela
Grandpa and Nela
Mommy and Nela

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