Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The forgotten one

I felt terrible today. I forgot to pick up Brayden at TLC. I kept reminding myself that I had to pick him up and even had it written down on my work calendar to leave early. One of the reporters was doing a story on TLC in the afternoon which was another reminder that I was to leave early to pick him up.

Sure enough, 5 p.m. came, I shut down my work computer and when to pick up the kids as usually at the day care. I get there and one of the girls stopped me and said she was so worried when she couldn't find Brayden when the bus came, then she found her note about his being at the program on Tuesdays.

I was 30 minutes late ... well, they were probably only waiting about 15 since the parents meeting started at 4:45 p.m. I pull up and there's the assistant principal, the TLC lady, tutor and Brayden. I think this just proves that you're more likely to forget the things that you constantly remind yourself about.

Brayden said "Mom, I thought you weren't going to come for me" ... he was probably wishing I had after I wore him out with housework when we got home!

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