Friday, November 21, 2008

Bathroom painting

Josie came over yesterday and helped me paint the bathroom.

Here's Josie doing some trim work

Josie trimming around the window

Miracle on Main parade

Von, Brayden, Nela and me at the Miracle on Main Parade

The boys watching the flag go by

The boys getting candy

Me and Nela snuggling to keep warm

I tried to get a nice photo of the kids. As usual, this is what I got

The kids waving at Santa

Jacey photo session


She's a good eater. Here she is having a little lunch

Brayden's team

Brayden's basketball team - Black Knights

Javanna at Brayden's game


Brayden is the one passing the ball on the left

Brayden is number 6


Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Jacey Kay

I took these picks last night of Jacey. I thought this one was so beautiful

and this one
And this one too.

Today's game

Brayden's team played two games today. They won both. Here's Brayden in action.

Here's my little sideline models ... Sage



and the team during a huddle

Annual Christmas shopping trip

Mom, Tammy, Wendy, Barb and me having lunch during our annual Christmas shopping trip. We left Coshocton at 7 a.m. and I didn't get home until after 11 p.m. It was exhausting, but fun.

Out with Ann and the kids

On Halloween, Ann invited me and the kids to Coshocton Yard for dinner. Rolland wasn't happy about something.

Here's Saquore looking handsome

Ann and Saquore

Monday, November 3, 2008

Barb's pumpkin party pics

Here's some pictures Barb took at the Pumpking Painting/Carving Party. They're wonderful shots, Barb. Thanks for being official photographer this year.